Sunday, September 28, 2014

Health Benefits of Tamarind

Health Benefits of Tamarind

  • A good source of antioxidants, especially vitamin C, flavonoids, carotenes, vitamin B complex and others, tamarind is highly useful for fighting against the damaging effects of free radicals and preventing the risk of cancer.

  • Including tamarind in your regular diet can help in overcoming the deficiency of vitamin C, thereby improving and strengthening the immune system.

  • The tamarind pulp in an excellent source of potassium which is essential for controlling the effects of sodium in the body, thereby regulating the heart rate and blood pressure.

  • Tamarind is a storehouse of antioxidants that combine to promote a healthy cardiovascular and respiratory system. Besides, it is also enriched with carotene and aids in lowering bad cholesterol levels.

  • Tamarind juice acts as a tonic, carminative, antiseptic, cleaning agent and febrifuge. As a result, the extract alleviates habitual constipation and impaction of bowels; thus regulating the malfunctioning of intestines and other organs of digestion.

  • The juice extract of tamarind is regarded as a mild laxative and digestive aid, significant for treating bronchitis and sore throats.

  • Tamarind juice, when taken in the heated form, is an effective cure for conjunctivitis. What’s more, eye drops are made from tamarind seeds to treat dry eye syndrome as the seeds contain polysaccharide which is adhesive and sticks to the surface of the eye for longer durations compared to other eye medications.

  • Being acidic in nature, tamarind is a refrigerant and a febrifuge which fights against fevers and protects against colds. The fever temperature can be brought down by infusing one cup tamarind pulp in one quart boiling water and steeping the mixture for about one hour. Dilute some honey and drink it tepid.

  • Diluting tamarind juice with lemon, milk, honey and dates serves as a digestive aid and as an effective cure for biliousness and bile conditions.

  • A mild decoction of the pulp, when given to children, helps in eliminating worms and other intestinal parasites.

  • The seeds, when combined with equal portions of cumin and sugar, and taken twice or thrice a day, help in reducing the temperature during dysentery. Alternatively, tamarind milk is also beneficial.

  • Tamarind has been associated with treating other ailments and diseases, like fractures, earache, scurvy, body odor, diarrhea, sprains, burns, malaria, blood impurities, inflammation, bleeding piles, jaundice, catarrh, painful and swollen joints, asthma, rheumatism, sunstroke, urinary stones, diabetes, cholesterol metabolism disorders, nausea and vomiting during pregnancy, rashes, leprosy and paralysis.

Tamarind Nutrition Facts

Amount: 1 cup
Total Weight: 120 g

Basic Components

3.4 g
37.7 g
3.2 g


Total Calories
Calories From Carbohydrate
Calories From Fat
Calories From Protein


Total Carbohydrates
75 g
Dietary Fiber
6.1 g
69 g

Fats & Fatty Acids

Total Fat
720 mg
Saturated Fat
326 mg
Monounsaturated Fat
217 mg
Polyunsaturated Fat
71 mg
Omega-6 Fatty Acids
71 mg


Vitamin A
36 IU
Vitamin C
4.2 mg
Vitamin E
120 mcg
Vitamin K
3.4 mcg
514 mcg
182 mcg
2.3 mg
Vitamin B6
79 mcg
17 mcg
Pantothenic Acid
172 mcg
10.3 mg


89 mg
3.4 mg
110 mg
136 mg
754 mg
34 mg
120 mcg
103 mcg
1.6 mcg

Dr.S.Senthil Karunakaran, M.D(Siddha)
No. 6, Mounasamy Mutt Street,
Ambattur, Chennai – 53,
Contact No - 9444403023

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Health Benefits of Kelvaragu

Health Benefits of Kelvaragu (Finger Millet)

Finger Millet, also known as Ragi, is cultivated in drier parts of the world. Ragi has a distinct taste and is widely used in Southern Indian and Ethiopian dishes.
Ragi is a rich source of Calcium, Iron, Protein, Fiber and other minerals. The cereal has low fat content and contains mainly unsaturated fat. It is easy to digest and does not contain gluten; people who are sensitive to gluten can easily consume Finger Millet. Ragi is considered one of the most nutritious cereals. It has different names in local languages. It is known as Kelvaragu/aariyam in Tamil, Ragi in Telugu and Kannada, and Madua/Mangal in Hindi. 
Nutrition  Facts of Kelvaragu.

Finger Millet / Kelvaragu for losing weight:
Ragi contains an amino acid called Tryptophan which lowers appetite and helps in keeping weight in control. Ragi gets digested at a slower rate thus keeps one away from intaking excessive calories. Also, fibers present in ragi give a feeling of fulness thus controls excessive food consumption. 
Finger Millet / Kelvaragu for bone health:
 Ragi is rich in Calcium which helps in strengthening bones. It is an excellent source of natural calcium for growing children and aging people. Ragi consumption helps in development of bones in growing children and in maintenance of bone health in adults. Ragi keeps diseases such as osteoporosis at bay and could reduce risk of fracture.  
Finger Millet / Kelvaragu for diabetes:
Finger Millet's phytochemicals help in slowing digestion process. This helps in controlling blood sugar level in condition of diabetes. In a study conducted in 2000, it was found that Finger Millet based diet helps diabetics as it contains higher fiber than rice and wheat. Also, the study found that diet based on whole finger millet has lower glycemic response i.e. lower ability to increase blood sugar level. This is due to presence of factors in ragi flour which lower digestibility and absorption of starch.
Finger Millet / Kelvaragu for lowering blood Cholesterol:
Finger Millet contains amino acids Lecithin and Methionine which help in bringing down cholesterol level by eliminating excess fat from Liver. Finger Millet also contains Threonine amino acid which hinders fat formation in the liver, which brings cholesterol level of the body down.
Finger Millet / Kelvaragu for Anaemia:
Ragi is a very good source of natural Iron. Ragi consumption helps in condition of Anaemia.
Finger Millet / Kelvaragu for Relaxation:
Ragi consumption helps in relaxing body naturally. It is beneficial in conditions of anxiety, depression and insomnia. Ragi is also useful for migraines.
Finger Millet / Kelvaragu for Protein/ Amino Acids:
Ragi is rich in Amino Acids which are vital in normal functioning of body and are essential for repairing body tissues. Finger Millet contains Tryptophan, Threonine, Valine, Isoleucine and Methionoine amino acids. Isoleucine helps in muscle repair, blood formation, contributes to bone formation and improves skin health. Valine is essential amino acid which facilitates metabolism, helps in muscle coordination and repair of body tissues. It helps in balancing nitrogen in the body. Another essential amino acid, not found in most cereals, is Methionine which is useful in various body processes, helps in eliminating fat from the body, and is main provider of sulfur in body. Sulfur is essential for production of Glutathione - body's natural antioxidant.  
Finger Millet / Kelvaragu for other health conditions:
If consumed regularly, Ragi could help in keeping malnutrition, degenerative diseases and premature aging at bay. Green Ragi is recommended for conditions of blood pressure, liver disorders, asthma and heart weakness. Green Ragi is also recommended to lactating mothers in condition of lack of milk production.
Ragi is an extremely nutritious cereal and is very beneficial for maintaining a good health. However, its high intake could increase quantity oxalic acid in the body. Ragi could be enjoyed in different forms and preparations. Ragi Roti, Ragi Dosa, Ragi Porridge, Ragi Upma, Ragi Cakes, Ragi Biscuits are few popular dishes of Ragi.

Dr.S.Senthil Karunakaran, M.D(Siddha)
No. 6, Mounasamy Mutt Street,
Ambattur, Chennai – 53,
Contact No - 9444403023

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Health Benefits of Pearl Millet

Health Benefits of Pearl Millet

  • Millets are a great source of starch, making it a high-energy food. It is also an excellent source of protein and fiber. It is said that the amino acids in the pearl millet are more easily digestible than the ones found in wheat.

  • Due to essential nutrients such as methionine (an amino acid), B complex vitamins (niacin, thiamin, and riboflavin), folic acid, lecithin, potassium, magnesium, manganese and zinc, millets are very effective in several roles. Niacin reduces cholesterol while magnesium is essential for maintaining good heart health, as it lowers blood pressure and reduces the risk of heart attacks.

  • Pearl millet is a rich source of phosphorus, which plays an important part in the structure of body cells. Phosphorus, found in pearl millets, is a significant component of several necessary compounds including adenosine triphosphate (ATP). This element is also a crucial component of nucleic acids, which are the building blocks of the genetic code. Phosphorus is a constituent of lipid-containing structures such as cell membranes and nervous system structures.

  • Recent studies have proven that regular consumption of pearl millets help in preventing gallstones in women. They contain insoluble fibers which not only speed up intestinal transit time but also reduce the secretion of bile acids. Pearl millets are known to increase insulin sensitivity and lower the level of triglycerides.

  • Regular intake of millets provides protection against breast cancer in pre-menopausal women. Apart from that, it has also shown a considerable reduction in the occurrence of wheezing and asthma in children.

  • Millets contain an essential phytonutrient, lignin, which is very beneficial for the human body. With the help of natural flora, lignans get converted to mammalian lignans and they fight against hormone-dependent cancers and reduce the risk of cardiac arrests.

  • Consumption of pearl millets helps in minimizing the risk of type 2 diabetes. Being a good source of magnesium, millets act as a cofactor in a number of enzymatic reactions.

Pearl Millet Nutrition Facts

Amount: 1 cup
Weight: 200 g

Basic Components

22 g
17.3 g
6.5 g


Total Calories
Calories From Carbohydrates
Calories From Fats
Calories From Proteins


Total Carbohydrates
Dietary Fiber
17 g

Fats & Fatty Acids

Total Fat
8.4 g
Saturated Fat
1.4 g
Monounsaturated Fat
1.5 g
Polyunsaturated Fat
4.3 g
Omega-3 Fatty Acids
236 mg
Omega-6 Fatty Acids
4 g


Vitamin E
100 mcg
Vitamin K
1.8 mcg
842 mcg
580 mcg
9.4 mg
Vitamin B6
768 mcg
170 mcg
Pantothenic Acid
1.7 mg


16 mg
6 mg
228 mg
570 mg
390 mg
10 mg
3.4 mg
1.5 mg
3.3 mg
5.4 mcg

Dr.S.Senthil Karunakaran, M.D(Siddha)
No. 6, Mounasamy Mutt Street,
Ambattur, Chennai – 53,
Contact No - 9444403023