Botanical name : Hydnocarpus laurifolia (Dennst.) Sleumer
Synonmous name : Hydnocarpus wightiana Blume
Family name : Flacourtiaceae
Genus : A genus including trees and shrubs, which are native of tropical parts of Asia. The species are having alternate, entire or serrated leaves, Dioecious flowers and Globose berries with seeds embedded in the pulp. Some species belonging to this genus are useful as source of timber while some species are useful for the oil extraction from the seeds, which is medicinally important.
Synonmous name : Hydnocarpus wightiana Blume
Family name : Flacourtiaceae
Genus : A genus including trees and shrubs, which are native of tropical parts of Asia. The species are having alternate, entire or serrated leaves, Dioecious flowers and Globose berries with seeds embedded in the pulp. Some species belonging to this genus are useful as source of timber while some species are useful for the oil extraction from the seeds, which is medicinally important.
Species : This is a medium sized, evergreen tree having rough, brown bark, spreading branches, elliptic or oblong-lanceolate, leaves, white flowers and globose berries containing many seeds in embedded in the fruit pulp. The species comes into flowering during summer season. The oil extracted from the seed called ‘Hydnocarpus Oil’ is medicinal against several diseases and the species also can be planted along roadsides as a good avenue plant.