Although most often associated with
teenage hormones, acne can strike at any age and can be caused by more than
hormones. Poor nutrition can contribute to poor complexion, so stay away from
sugary, fatty foods that can provide fuel for acne bacteria or contribute to
skin inflammation. As the skin is a major detox organ, a buildup of toxins in
the body can contribute to clogged pores and unsightly blemishes.
Foods to avoid:
While no across-the-board food
prescription will cure acne, experts suggest steering clear of these specific
foods and food categories in order to score glowing, blemish-free skin:
Refined grains. Because they are so highly processed, the majority of cereals,
breads, and other flour-based foods that we love to eat lack the nutrients,
namely zinc, and antioxidants our skin needs to combat acne.
Refined sugars. Candy, soda,
pastries, and cookies can be particularly troublesome for those prone to acne.
These indulgences spike blood sugar levels, which your body tries to bring down
by producing more insulin and male hormones. In turn, these hormones prompt the
sebaceous glands to work overtime, resulting in blocked pores and inflammation.
Dermatologists believe milk
accelerates the body’s synthesis of androgens, male hormones present in both
men and women, which causes the sebaceous glands to crank out excess sebum. You
can avoid milk’s blemish-inducing effects without skimping on calcium by
switching to eating plenty of butter milk and greens.
Vegetable oils. Corn, sunflower,
safflower, and sesame oils have far more omega-6 fatty acids than
anti-inflammatory omega-3s. This imbalance promotes inflammation, which causes
skin cells to clump together and jam pores.
Five acne-zapping foods:
Now that you’ve figured out which foods to avoid, you may worry that you’ll
face serious food deprivation. But rest assured there are plenty of delicious
foods that also help fight acne, including:
1. Whole grains. When it comes to thwarting acne-causing inflammation,
fiber-packed whole grains work like a charm. “Whole grains carry a lot of
antioxidants,”. “They also stabilize blood sugar and prevent insulin spikes.” Siddha
Physicians advises checking a product’s nutrition info to make sure it’s high
in fiber and low in sugar. Even better to forget wheat and give ancient grains
like Ragi, Kambu, Thinai and Saamai a try.
2. Fish. Heralded as the premiere source of omega-3 fatty acids,
cold-water, oily fish are loaded with anti-inflammatory eicosapentaenoic acid
(EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
3. Green vegetables. Packed with inflammation-fighting nutrients and loads of
antioxidants, most green leafy veggies contain plenty of fiber, which helps
slow the rise of blood sugar after eating. Root tubers had to be restricted (
except Karunai)
4. Purple and deep red foods. According to The Clear Skin Diet, foods containing
anthocyanins are high in antioxidants and help maintain blood flow to the skin,
promoting optimum cell turnover (essential for keeping pores clear). Acai,
pomegranates, purple carrots, black grapes, and beets are all great choices.
5. Green tea.
Among its numerous health benefits, green tea also helps keep pimples from
popping up. It’s chock-full of the antioxidant catechin EGCG, an effective
anti-inflammatory. But beware of bottled green tea drinks, which often contain
scads of added sugar and calories.
Treatments in Siddha system:
Oil Bath:
Based on the Naadi and Body constituent oil bath has to be taken twice weekly with Medicated oil. it will balances the Pitha Daathu, prevents the skin from dryness and rejuvenates the skin cells.
In Siddha system of Medicine Purgation was given every four months to remove the toxic elements from the body and to balance the Vaatha Dathu.
Internal Medicine:
Depends upon the severity of the Acne and the Seven Udal Daathus, internal medication has to be prescribed by a Siddha Physician. Commanly using Siddha Preparations are..
1. Parangipattai Chooranam,
2. Elathi chooranam,
3. Sangu Parpam
4. Palakarai parpam,
5. Parangi rasayanam,
6. Gandaga rasayanam.
External Medicine:
Face has to be washed with cool water very frequently, few medicines used as an external application are as follows...
1. Kungiliya Vennai,
2. Sangu Parpam with Rose water,
3. Nalungu Maavu
4. Kumkumadhi leepam
Before using get a opinion from your near by Siddha Physician to get complete relief .
Dr.S.Senthil Karunakaran, M.D(Siddha)
Aviztham siddha Hospital
No 6, Mounasamy Mutt Street,
Ambattur O.t, Chennai - 53.
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